5 Quotes of St. Maximus the Confessor

The world has many poor in spirit, but not in the right way; and many who mourn, but over money matters and loss of children; and many who are meek, but in the face of impure passions; and many who hunger and thirst, but to rob another's goods and to profit unjustly. And there are many who are merciful, but to the body and to its comforts; and clean of heart, but out of vanity; and peacemakers, but who subject the soul to the flesh; and many who suffer persecution, but because they are disorderly; many who are reproached, but for shameful sins. Instead, only those are blessed who do and suffer these things for Christ and following his example. For what reason? "Because theirs is the kingdom of heaven," and "they shall see God," and so forth. So that it is not because they do and suffer these things that they are blessed (since those just mentioned do the same), but because they do and suffer them for Christ and following his example.
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, Third Century, #47

When the demons see us disdaining the things of the world in order through them not to hate men and fall away from love, they then incite slanders against us, hoping that, unable to bear the hurt, we will come to hate those who slander us.
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, Fourth Century, #87

There is no hardship more oppressive to the soul than slander, whether one is slandered in his faith or in his conduct. And no one can disdain it except the one who like Susanna looks to God who alone can rescue in need, as he rescued her, and to reassure men, as he did in her case, and to encourage the soul with hope.
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, Fourth Century, #88

To the extent that you pray from your soul for the one who spread scandal about you, God will reveal the truth to those who were told the scandal.
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, Fourth Century, #89

"A faithful friend is a strong defense," for when his friend is prospering he is a good counselor and sympathetic collaborator, and when he is in distress he is his sincerest supporter and most sympathetic defender.
- St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, Fourth Century, #99
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